Monday, June 4, 2012

I am who I am, but who am I?

So here I am with a place to put to it out there for the world to read. Here I will ramble and post as often or as little as I like about anything that I like. This blog unlike my others is not for others, it is simply just FOR ME!

Recently I have been struggling with who I am as a wife and mother but most of all I am struggling to find ME among the chaos the other roles play in my life. So here I will ponder my thoughts, laugh at myself, cry on my own shoulder and scream out loud when life is just too hard.

Life is what you make it they say, well now it's time to find my life again, find the happy balance between me, the wife and the mother.  So for anyone out there reading this I hope you like rollercoasters because this journey of "self discovery" is sure going to have it's ups and downs.

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