Sunday, June 10, 2012

Who Am I

Well, well, well this morning I stumbled across the latest ramblings of Eden from Edenland and it's right up my alley so knew I had to link up (my first link up EVER, I'm so cool SNORT!).

Edenland's Fresh Horses Brigade

So as my first post was titled "I am who I am, but who am I?" I knew this link up would be the most brilliant way to do my second post for this new blog of mine.

Here goes a little insight into me:

When it's just my hubby and I, I am a one woman stand up comedy act! I can normally shoot off a quick one liner about anything that comes on telly. More often then not my wit is highly inappropriate and not at all PC (Politically Correct for those not in the know).

More than once a week I have to stop and remind myself that I am not just playing house and that these little people running around (normally naked) are in fact under my care and require my full attention so as not to destroy the place. Who else has this moments? Surely I'm not the only 30 year old that likes to think that aren't really as old as their drivers licence say they are.

I have the worst Green Thumb ever! Give me a plant and I will kill it, it's that simple people.

I have pee'ed in the shower more than once, never done a George Costanza though, only ever in my own shower at home.

My marriage is the result of Online Dating.

Quite often I can go a day without showering or even getting out of my pjs and that's even when hubby isn't working away during the week.

I don't make beds and I don't iron but I will scrub toilets and have even used my bare hands to scrub poo off nappies.

Coffee is my best friend, tea is ok but we aren't best buds or anything. As much as I try, we just don't mesh well.

I crave order and control but live in utter chaos.

Currently I'm trying to fall back in lust with my hubby (this shit needs it's own post so "to be cont....")

Our little accident baby, Buddy, is the best damn mistake I'll ever make in my life and by george I've made my fair share of mistakes. No more though, quite happy with the 4 of us now!

So there you have it, a bit more of me dished up for the world to eat from. Take a slice I dare you!


Anonymous said...

Nice to Know a little about you :-)
some of this post I could have written myself

Clare said...

I love this! Satisfies my never ending curiosity about anything and everything :D
...And I can definitely relate to a few of them!

Gemma@prettybobbins said...

Great post! Looking forward to reading more :)

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