Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Flight of Fancy

We recently watched a movie called, Wanderlust , now I wouldn't say it is a brilliant, could watch it over and over again, movie but it does have its funny moments. One in particular is;

Wayne: "My name's Wayne by the way, I'm a nudist"
George; "Oh yes we noticed your penis earlier"
Wayne: "Touché". 

That a side though, a scene from this movie really hit home with me and has stuck with me every since.  It was a scene between the two main characters played by Paul Rudd and Jennifer Aniston. Here is the scene; 

No word of a lie when I saw this on our television I was imagining them with hubby and my heads on their bodies (oh how I would love to have Jen’s body). My hubby is supportive though and so is George. What I am realising or have really know all along, but found too hard to admit to myself, is that it is I am the unsupportive one. I am unsupportive of myself. I have become so accustomed at just letting things slip away when I grow bored or come against a stumbling block.

For example, my passion for sewing. Just over two years ago I found the joy of sewing and loved it so much that it did go from just a hobby to a passion. That passion had me create a community of like minded people from all over Australia and the world too. I threw all of myself into this group and ate up the energy I felt. This time though I gave too much of myself and burnt out. Then after one small, trivial run in with a member I opted out, leaving a few lovely people in the lurch. This community had the potential, online, to become more than a hobby or passion. It could have helped bring in a few extra dollars to the household had I played my cards right. I didn’t though and now after throwing money into that we did not really have I have a blog sitting gathering virtual dust and someone, somewhere is probably jumping at the opportunity that I let slip away.

Another example is before I had children, around the time hubby and I we’re married I had a grand plan to start a screen printing business. I did a little research and conned my mum into bank rolling my start up costs. Well guess where all the tools of that little venture is now, sitting in my mum’s garage gathering dust and my mum’s money is still to be made in order to pay her back.

I could list several more pathetic attempts at starting my own hobby businesses but I won’t bore you, I am sure you get the picture. I am passionate, I do throw myself into my latest craze with both feet first, never testing the waters before jumping in. This is one of my top three things I want to change about myself.

My Top Three Grow Up and Own It List
1.       EAT RIGHT –teach my family a better way of eating.
2.       PLANT MY FEET – find real that I want to do and can realistically do to help support out family
3.       LOSE THE LONER – this one calls for a post all of it’s own and will be published next week but for now so that my friends don't think I am calling one of them a loser just be clear - I am the loser.

Until next time xxxx


Anonymous said...

Wow! I love your openess Renee. I came to know you through your creation that you spoke about. I am so greatful to you for creating it as I got to know you and many others. You should be proud of what you HAVE achieved, not thinking about what MIGHT have been achieved. I look forward to reading about the next installment! Hugs.
Keep smiling

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