For the past couple of weeks I have been linking up with Kimberly from A Night Owl for her Instagram Blog Hop. She runs weekly Instagram Blog Hops with the help of several co-hosts and is joined by many bloggers.
I thought from now on I will do a weekly roundup of my favourite Instagram pics I have taken throughout the past week to share with those who might not be on Instagram or just not following me (come on follow me PLEASSSSE @sewingmywebb).
The one above, I took while trying to organise our walkin robe/computer room. After pulling down a few nappies boxes, that were full of CRAP, I came across Tigger and Elmo in a very compromising position. So of course I had to instagram it for the world to see what these devious little fellas get up to when they think no one is watching.
Lil Guy is such the typical little boy and every chance he gets he tries to escape from inside. Seriously he will dart out the garage if he realises the roller door is up. I am thinking of letting him go free range with the chickens when we get them.
At the end of last week a couple of my good friends, who live in the same street, weren't coping so well. As you do when you have two young children to look after by yourself for a week at a time while hubby is off working (been there, done that and still doing that much to my dislike). So when I saw one of these friends post that she had been up all night with her daughter who had caught a stomach bug I immediately thought "what can I do to brighten her day just a little?" Of course the answer had to be COFFEE and BAKED GOODS!!!! So I threw the kidlets in the car, raced into town and picked up these bad boys and, ever so sneakily, left their Survival Packs where they would find them.
These pretties were me getting setup to take part in The Organised Housewife's 20 Days To Organise & Clean Challenge. What won't shock you is that that is as far as I have gotten. Now 5 days later and I have managed to sort my binder but neither write down routines or start on the daily challenges. So yeah you could say I am doing real well at this one. I do promise though to do a post, or two, about my accomplishments in this challenge. I am evening planning on designing my first printables for my readers YAY!!
Have I told you how much I love my Lil Fam!!! On Saturday hubby and the kidlets took me to Harvey Norman (large furniture and appliance chain here in Australia). Where I was allowed to buy a coffee machine as a my birthday present (shhh it's on the 17th, how lucky am I to get it so early). I have been wanting a Nespresso machine for ages. Hubby was a bit dubious about getting me one though. Several years ago he bought me a different type of machine which I hardly used. Come on though, it required far too much cleaning for my liking and well I just wasn't that great at heating or frothing the milk. The Nespresso, you see, requires a good water descale once every 6 - 8 months and no coffee grinds to clean out. No milk frother spout to wipe clean, no 10,000 pieces to pull apart and wash after each use. Anyway I LOVE MY LIL FAM AND MY NEW NESPRESSO U!!!!!! I highly recommend getting one if you love your coffee!
"Look my mum has new pretty shoes" This is Miss Hara's favourite thing right now, SHOES!!! Of course I am not helping her shoe fetish by loving all the bright flats available right now.
On Sunday it was Father's Day here in Australia. For my wonderful hubby the kidlets and I bought him a hand stamped leather braid wrist band from Love n Cherish (no idea if that is actually what is called but calling it a bracelet doesn't seem right), Miss Hara made a lovely necktie necklace at daycare which hubby proudly wore all day, even to the supermarket and I put together our own little version of Cold Rock (an ice cream shop that squishes lollies/candy into the ice cream). We miss Cold Rock so much. In the kit was a marble board with two paddle for preparing the delicious combos and I filled spice bottles with M&Ms, Skittles, Caramel Popcorn, Choc Coated Peanuts, Maltesers and Gummi Bears. We had a great day, just the four of us. I cooked up a storm in the kitchen, literally all day.
Yesterday my new very Shabby Chic iPad case arrived. Gosh I love it to bits! I am becoming addicted to cases though, I now have three.
Strawberries must be growing crazy like here right now as our supermarkets are selling them at $1.25 per punnet. We stocked up as our kidlets can't eat enough of them and I also wanted to puree some for those months when they are $7 per punnet and I say a big "Hell No" to pay that much. We plan on planting our own before next harvest season. I plan on making yummy daiquiris at my belated 30th party in a couple of weeks.I am actually turning 31 but seeing I was in early labour on my real 30th I think I deserve a do over.
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