Monday, September 3, 2012

Just Cause

Lately, all round me, I seem to come across e-posters on the web (no not my Webb but the "web", you know the Interweb) and so thought I would share some with you on this lovely Spring day.

Now this first one is me all over. All but one of these tendencies is oh so true about the kind of person I am. Of course as you probably no from my previous rants the one thing on the list I can say is most definitely not me, in any way, shape or form, is 10) Motivate themsevles. Umm yeah no, self motivation would actually have to be on of the biggest thing I lack and that I dislike (note: I try not to hate rather dislike when possible) about myself. On this rediscovery I hope to change this about myself.

Found on Pinterest, source unknown but list, not image, came from

Ok so this one I found almost immediately after my "Flight of Fancy" post last week when Iwas really thinking hard about who I am and who I want to be. One major thing I want to change about myself is my insecurities when it comes to friendships. Now I am not going to go into it too much in this post as this issues alone is worthy of its' own post. 

Found on Pinterest, uploaded by user. Original image source unknown.

Now I am a very creative person however I can not say I have a special talent but I am most definitely passionately curious about a lot of things in this world.

Found on Pinterest from Tumblr. Original image source unknown.
Alright last one and this one really does not require much of an explanation but really just sums up where I am right now; looking forwards not backwards!

Found on Pinterest, uploaded by user. Original image source unknown.

x Renee


Mel@Mellywood's Mansion said...

Oh so true, especially about starting new chapters!

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